Relearning My Message

As I've been working on fine-tuning the heart of my business as Agora nears her 5 year birthday (YAY!!!), I’ve discerned the core message I want to communicate is this:
When you trust your Inner Leader, you will lead with an unshakable knowing that you are enough and you will awaken your impact.
It sounds simple enough, but it's a message that has taken me years to get to. And almost hilariously, is one I’m still processing on the daily alongside my clients.
Here’s an example: This week, in the midst of doing the behind the scenes planning for work that will eventually help others break free from the need for external validation, I caught myself wishing for someone to tell me that what I was designing was solid stuff. That led me to wonder, “If I still need reminders to release the need for external validation, will anyone trust I can help them?”
But that’s the beauty of it, really. I’m not just teaching others how to do something I’ve never done. I’m sharing what I’ve learned (and keep learning) through the daily, ongoing practice of it. And in my learning, I can show you specific tools that are proven to help us get closer to where we want to be.
So like you, when I catch myself seeking external validation or leaning on others’ expertise while ignoring my intuition or keeping myself small for the sake of not failing, I come back to the questions that are central to my message.
Am I enough?
Am I trusting my Inner Leader?
Can I access the vision for this?
Can I trust its impact?
I take a breath and connect with what I know is true about myself.
I am enough.
I have plenty to share.
There is a community that is ready for this message.
The world will change through its impact.
I can't wait to bring you all that is currently being designed for this next phase.
Let’s keep growing together!
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