What if you could trust yourself to be exactly who you are...

Knowing, unshakably, that you are enough?

It's time to decondition and unlearn who you were told to be so you can... 

1Stand in your Inner Power (1000 × 500 px) (1)

Together, let's unlock inner alignment, authenticity and freedom.

Hi, I'm Valeyne and I believe leaders are being called to be the change they want to see in the world by learning, healing and growing, from the inside out.

Valeyne with border


My greatest desire is to be a doorway towards your "inner  work",  so you can find the freedom to be your  most authentic self every day.  

I believe the more we can radically love ourselves, the more we  can radically love the world and awaken the impact we are meant to have. 

Radical Inner Trust = Radical External Impact!

Are you ready to Awaken Your Impact?

 How I'm Currently Working With Clients


In my experience, radical self-love can be challenging. Most of us aren't taught to trust ourselves, so we seek our truth from external sources. 

Over time, we develop conditioned stories about who we are and who we are not. We live out these stories through repeated patterns and habits that undermine our greatest intentions, frequently asking ourselves, "How am I here, AGAIN?"

And sometimes we find ourselves stuck in the question of our 'enoughness', living inauthentically, and feeling like an imposter. 

My patterns over the years have usually included some blend of comparison, seeking external validation, overthinking, catastrophizing, downplaying my truth, scarcity thinking, people-pleasing, perfectionism, lacking boundaries, you name it - all amounting to a big pile of anxiety... Maybe you can relate?

I believe the path to leaving the legacy you and I long for starts within. Here, we can fully meet the truest version our Self, daily. We can rest in the inner knowing that we are safe in the embrace of life. In this sacred place, we are limitless. Here, our patterns transform to awaken our impact. ~Valeyne


It is possible to live and lead, bravely, while experiencing...


Inner Alignment


Striving won't get you success, letting go will...



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