You're here because you are ready for your brave Inner Leader to take you to the next level.
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Agora Coaching & Training Solutions, LLC
I did not know if coaching would be for me. I was doing this as an exploration to determine if this was something I might want to jump into. After the first week of training, I really feel like there's a place for me in coaching, and that part of that is a change in me as well. The generosity you all have shown me, and the things I've learned from you, thank you, all of you. Each of you has contributed something, and that has been powerful to me. You've cared for me, and you've reached out to me, and it's touched me! I really feel like all that is changing me, so thank you. Thank you.
~Raymond McGhee , Brave, Spiritually-grounded World-Changer | Awaken Coach Institute Graduate
Agora Coaching & Training Solutions, LLC
In coaching or in training, a lot of people see me as the expert, and so being here has really allowed me to not be the expert, to put on that learning hat, to embrace that curiosity and to learn new ways of doing things. This coaching is less about having answers and it's more about bringing out the answers from the client, helping the client to sort through the challenges that they're facing and the actions they wanna take; being more client-directed than coach-directed.
~Jennifer Vancil , Brave, Spiritually-grounded World-Changer | Awaken Coach Institute Graduate
Agora Coaching & Training Solutions, LLC
I had a strong sense that I was to attend the Awaken coaching course. Before the training I didn't believe that I could be a coach, I joined with a desire to become a better leader. And I think I am a better leader as a result of this course. However I'm also now a coach and I believe in myself as a coach. The methodology of this course is phenomenal. It is experiential and your entire body gets to feel the material with new insights and understanding happening throughout. For me, this has been a profound time - a personal retreat and a coaching training. I am a better person, more insightful and thoughtful because of this opportunity. Thank you.
~Leanne Marega , Brave, Spiritually-grounded World-Changer | Awaken Coach Institute Graduate
Agora Coaching & Training Solutions, LLC
Awaken Coach Institute (YOU) have provided skills, confidence and insight into myself and what I can do to facilitate coaching as a catalyst to a world that is working for everyone… person by person.
Deborah Ingersoll , Brave, Spiritually-grounded World-Changer | Awaken Coach Institute Graduate
Agora Coaching & Training Solutions, LLC
I would say that from the first moment I saw the website, and I read the write up, I had a great feeling that Awaken Coach Institute was the school I was being called to. When I went with the interview with Christi, felt her presence, and learned that she was also I spiritual director apart from a life coach. I had a great feeling that was it.
What really solidified everything was the question Christi asked - It went along the lines of do you promise to love and accept each person regardless of their background, beliefs, etc. When she asked that I knew it was the course I needed to take.Alvin Baldovino , Brave, Spiritually-grounded World-Changer | Awaken Coach Institute Graduate