Agora Leadership Book Summary Club

Accelerate Your Leadership Growth Through the Power of Shared Story & Community

Listen, Connect, Grow

Join Now!

This is not your average leadership book club. 

You get cutting-edge insights + meaningful community, without even reading the book! That's right, we read the book for you and your exclusive membership, includes the following:

One Curated Audio/Video Book Summary Per Month

Learn key concepts in 96% less time!

Each month, one title is selected from our engaging audio and video library of more than 350 best-selling titles, powered by Each summary allows you to stay on top of the latest business and self-improvement thought leadership in less than 15 minutes.

You can view the curated list of books & schedule below.

Community of Heart-Centered Leaders
Know you are not alone!

Agora Leadership Book Club isn't just about accessing knowledge; it's about being part of a thriving community of heart-centered and growth-oriented leaders. Connect with peers, share experiences, and collaborate with others on your personal and professional growth journey. You will know you are not alone and have support along the way!

One Monthly LIVE Book Circle
Act on what you learn!

Join us for a LIVE Book Circle monthly via Zoom, where we provide opportunities to design custom actions and apply your learning. This is your chance to get the world's top experts' insights delivered right to your Zoom room and tailor them to your specific needs in LIVE community. Circles are held the 4th Wednesday of each month at 10am CT (except November and December we meet on the 2nd Wednesday).

You can view the schedule below


On average, it takes 8 hours to read a 250 page book. Our summaries are 15 minutes or less.

That's 96% less time spent reading, with 100% of the benefit!

Now, that's an incredible ROI!

Are you a legacy-minded, heart-centered and growth-oriented leader?


Agora Leadership Book Club is intentionally designed to save you a ton of time while maximizing your personal and professional growth. Each quarter we rotate through 3 leadership categories; Inner Leadership, Leadership Skill Development and Team/Community Leadership.

Whether you serve as a leader in your workplace or your community space, Agora Leadership Book Club is for you.

Our name, inspired by the ancient Greek Agora, reflects our vision of a gathering space where individuals connect to find not only access to cutting-edge thought leadership, but also a sense of community and belonging.

Agora Leadership Book Club is your gateway to a world of knowledge, growth and connection.


What is a "leader"? If you...

  • Hold yourself accountable for finding potential in people or processes
  • Desire to be a catalyst for change and make a meaningful difference in the communities/teams you serve
  • Want to show up, take risks, learn and inspire

Then YOU are, undoubtedly, a leader!

Leaders can lead from any position or job title. You may...

  • Lead a team of direct reports or be a direct report leading cross-functional teams, projects and/or processes
  • Serve as a leader in your community, serve on a board or are building a community of your own.

Member Love

Agora Coaching & Training Solutions, LLC

I love that I am surrounded by my collection of books, even if many are still waiting for the day that I’ll finally find time to read them! What makes ALBC unique is that I only spend a fraction of the time learning what’s inside the books I’ve wanted to read, and I have a new community of other leaders together each month for insightful discussions. After just three months I consider my return on investment for the year covered! Thanks, Val!

Systemic Coach and Sensemaker, Complexity Untangled

Agora Coaching & Training Solutions, LLC

The ideas from the book were great, but the ideas + live group coaching is so much more powerful. The results that I’m getting from reading the summary, reflecting on some great questions and having a really great conversation with some really smart humans who are also being vulnerable and processing is a heck of a lot of value. Thank you, you’re amazing, it’s working!!!”

Strengths-Based Executive + Career Coach @ Communicating Strengths, LLC

Agora Coaching & Training Solutions, LLC

What makes ALBC unique is the variety of experiences that members share. I learn something new from this group every month. And I love that I am investing in myself and practicing self-care while learning and growing with other members.

Assistant Town Manager - Administration

Agora Coaching & Training Solutions, LLC

As a Coach who works with managers and leaders, the Agora Leadership Book Club has been an invaluable resource and provides a supportive community. The content is manageable and, if I don’t have time to read the book, there is no pressure because the content is made accessible for busy people. Our conversations during the meetings allow a deeper processing of the information that helps it stick. I learn as much from Val and the other group members as I do from the content. Finally, a book club that I feel joyful about attending even when I haven’t read the entire book!

Klear Water Coaching & Wellness Founder

Are you ready to...

  • Accelerate your personal and professional leadership growth?
  • Explore the wisdom of renowned authors without investing hours reading?
  • Connect with a community of inspiring, like-hearted leaders?
  • Stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of leadership development and self-improvement?
  • Join monthly Leadership Book Circles for personalized growth strategies?
  • Gain access to monthly curated book summaries that empower you to make informed decisions about your reading list?
  • Become part of a thriving community dedicated to leadership growth and meaningful connections?

The best part? You don't even have to read the books, we read them for you!

Hello, Brave and Loving Leader, I'm Valeyne!

Welcome to Agora Leadership Book Summary Club! We are a book summary club + community crafted with passion and purpose for heart-centered leaders like you. 

I created this unique book club because as I navigated my own leadership journey within broken systems that offered few opportunities for consistent personal & professional growth, I have found solace, inspiration, and profound insights within the pages of impactful books. These books became my mentors, guiding lights that illuminated new perspectives and possibilities.

Val_Branding-79Yet, the demands of leadership and constant pressures often left me yearning for time to really delve into the profound wisdom these books held and make the learning actionable. 

The Birth of Agora Leadership Book Club

This book club was born out of the tension between my desire for personal & professional growth and the constant time constraints I felt as a leader. This isn't just a book club; it's a sanctuary for heart-centered leaders who, like me, are on a relentless quest for growth amidst the whirlwind of responsibilities.


Why I Chose This Path

I understand the heartbeat of leaders who desire knowledge, connection, and actionable insights but find themselves tethered by time constraints. I've felt the struggle, the longing for a community that understands the delicate balance of a heart-centered approach to leadership and the practical demands of the day. 

Your Sanctuary of Learning and Connection

Agora Leadership Book Summary Club is my heartfelt response to this shared yearning. It's a refuge where leaders come together, not solely to read book summaries, but to share experiences, build connections, and distill the essence of each book into actionable steps—all delivered through short, engaging audio summaries that resonate with the heart. Here, time becomes a friend, not a foe—a friend that allows us to learn, grow, and lead with purpose. 

Join now and let's transform our leadership narratives, one heart-centered page at a time.

Much love,


Your Inner Leader Coach & Agora Leadership Book Summary Club Founder 

Limited Time Pricing

Join Agora Leadership Book Summary Club Today!

Your 12-month membership includes:

  • one specially curated 15 minute or less audio/video book summary per month, 
  • one live monthly Leadership Book Circle to put your learning in motion where you can integrate the content in a community of like-hearted leaders and
  • three leadership book categories; Inner Leadership, Leadership Development Skills and Team/Community Leadership.


  • Receive access to ALL previous months book summaries + recordings

Only $20/Month

($240 Total for your 12-month membership)

Limited to 50 people.  Payment options include a one-time full payment or a recurring monthly payment for no additional fee.

Thing to consider before joining:


  • Engagement: While the Book Club is an outrageously low-cost and accessible resource, we strongly encourage active participation and contribution! This is an intentionally smaller community. Please note subscriptions to Agora Leadership Book Club will not be extended due to inactivity.
  • Community Goals: Our goal is to provide a nurturing environment where leaders can access the essential tools necessary to foster their growth whether a first-time or long-time leader.

  • Time Commitment: Consider how much time you have available for our community. During your annual membership we encourage listening to the 1 monthly book summary provided (15 minutes or less), reflection on curated questions (15-30 minutes) and monthly participation in the Book Circle (1 hour). Calls are recorded for viewing later.

  • Email Communication: We won't overwhelm your inbox, but you can expect carefully curated content that includes your monthly book summary + reflection questions, an invitation to our monthly Book Circle and sporadic, but meaningful newsletter content. We believe that email communication is a vital component of our commitment to keeping you engaged and informed within our community.

Monthly Book Features

-Live Monthly Book Circles are offered via Zoom on the 4th Wednesday of each month at 10am CT/11am ET.

-During the months of November and December we meet on the 2nd Wednesday to honor the US holiday schedule.

-Each quarter we rotate between 3 categories of leadership books: Inner Leadership, Leadership Skill Development and Team/Community Leadership.

April 24th, 2024

Inner Leadership

Necessary Endings

by: Henry Cloud

Sometimes, you have to let go. Relationships, businesses, employees are often the obstacle that stands between you and a more successful future. It's difficult. It's painful. And it's necessary. Find out how to take this step effectively in our summary.

May 22nd, 2024

Leadership Skill Development

Dare to Lead

by: Brene Brown

Learn now to become a more courageous leader in this practical and insightful guide by best-selling author Brene Brown.

June 26th, 2024

Team/Community Leadership

Generations At Work

by: Ron Zemke, Claire Raines and Bob Filipczak

Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Gen Xers, and Millennials each have unique work ethics, management perspectives, idiosyncratic styles, and different ways of viewing their role in the world. Assembling an effective team built with this mosaic of individuals can be challenging and rewarding.

July 24th, 2024

Inner Leadership

Reinventing You

by: Dorie Clark

Embark on a transformative journey, unlocking hidden potential and embracing new possibilities, as you carve your path to success and fulfillment.

August 28th, 2024

Leadership Skill Development

Rethinking Positive Thinking

by: Gabrielle Oettingen

Here's something fascinating: the obstacles that we believe get in our way from achieving our greatest goals can actually help us accomplish them faster. Read our summary to find out why.

September 25th, 2024

Team/Community Leadership

Herding Tigers

by: Todd Henry

Discover how to lead creative teams effectively, foster collaboration, provide support, and unleash their full potential for innovation.

October 23rd, 2024

Inner Leadership

You Are A Badass

by: Jen Sincero

As the subtitle to this book says, it's time to stop doubting your greatness and start living an awesome life.

November 13th, 2024

Leadership Skill Development

The Power of Moments

by: Chip Heath and Dan Heath

Discover how the power of specific moments can change the trajectory of our lives. This insightful read explores how memorable experiences shape us.

December 11th, 2024

Team/Community Leadership


by: Seth Godin

Seth Godin tells us that Tribes are more important than ever. This is your field guide for creating one that sparks a movement.


January 22nd, 2025

Inner Leadership


by: Martin Seligman

In 1998, Martin Seligman became the president of the American Psychological Association, and brought with him the goal of exploring what makes life worth living and building the conditions to make it happen.

February 26th, 2025

Leadership Skill Development


by: Adam Grant

Are you destined to do something truly great with your business and life? Adam Grant has written Originals so you can follow in the footsteps of those who've blazed the trails before you.

March 26th, 2025

Team/Community Leadership

The Best Team Wins

by: Adrian Gostick and Chester Elton

Up to 80 percent of all work is now done in teams. Yet, the vast majority of teams underperform. This book shows you how to solve that problem so you can unlock the very best from your people.

Have More Questions?

Great! We love 'em!

Below you will find the most commonly asked questions. If other questions arise, email and Valeyne will answer directly. 

Agora Leadership Book Club is for leaders that consider themselves to be legacy-minded, heart-centered and growth-oriented. Each quarter we rotate through 3 leadership categories; Inner Leadership, Leadership Skill Development and Team/Community Leadership. Whether you serve as a leader in your workplace or your community space, Agora Leadership Book Summary Club is for you.

If you...

  • Hold yourself accountable for finding potential in people or processes
  • Desire to be a catalyst for change and make a meaningful difference in the communities/teams you serve
  • Want to show up, take risks, learn and inspire and 
  • Lead a team of direct reports, cross-functional teams, projects and/or processes

Then YOU are, undoubtedly, a leader!

Leaders can lead from any position or job title. You may...

  • Lead a team of direct reports or be a direct report leading cross-functional teams, projects and/or processes
  • Serve as a leader in your community, serve on a board or are building a community of your own.

No! We believe that you can lead from any position or job title. You may manage people, projects or even cross-functional teams. You may be a leader in your community, building a community or even serve on a board. Note that our third book leadership category is "Team/Community Leadership". You are encouraged to checkout our book list for the year and see if these books interest you. If they resonate you are welcome to join, regardless of your job title. You can see the full schedule and book features for 2024 here

Agora Leadership Book Club includes 1 specially curated audio/video book summary per month, 1 monthly LIVE Book Circle via Zoom to put your learning in motion and you will learn to integrate the content more holistically by gathering in a community of growth-oriented and like-hearted leaders.

Book Circles are offered during the 4th Wednesday of each month at 10am CT/11am ET. During the months of November and December we meet on the 2nd Wednesday to honor the US holiday schedule. You can see the full schedule and book features for 2024 above

Before making a commitment to join Agora Leadership Book Club you will want to confirm you are available for the majority of the LIVE experiences and block your calendar in advance. Sessions will be recorded while in the main room, but due to the nature of the conversations and having multiple breakout groups, breakout rooms are not recorded. If you are unable to attend a session, you will be able to review the portion that was recorded and will still be able to listen to the book summary any time during the month. 

Yes, you will! Each book summary will be shared on the 1st of the month or immediately if you join after that date. Before joining the book circle you will want to schedule 15 minutes to listen to the summary and 15-30 minutes to complete the pre-reflection. Completing the pre-reflection will allow us to deepen the conversation and integrate the learning more holistically.  

At this time, we design all of our LIVE community experiences to be intentionally small. In fact, Agora Leadership Book Summary Club is the largest community, by size, we currently offer. We believe the greatest likelihood for lasting transformation happens in smaller community where you can be brave. Agora Leadership Book Summary Club offers at least 1 breakout group with every monthly circle so you can learn and grow with others.

Agora Leadership Book Summary Club is not a one hit wonder kind of experience. We have a 12-Month minimum commitment. Our focus is to build long-term community that goes deep. 

Yes! Agora Leadership Book Summary Club is open for enrollment anytime of year and your 12 month membership begins from the first day of enrollment. 

Refunds are not available. Please read the sales page fully to avoid any misunderstandings about what is being covered and what is included. To see our full payment terms, click here.

Because we aim to create a more holistic integration, we don’t offer the full library as a stand alone offer. In our 1:1 coaching programs, as well as group coaching programs, you gain access to additional curated book summaries, along with other content, on an as needed basis.

Our name, inspired by the ancient Greek Agora, reflects our vision of a gathering space where individuals connect to find not only access to cutting-edge thought leadership, but also a sense of community and belonging.

Agora Leadership Book Club is your gateway to a world of knowledge, growth and connection.